Sunday, June 26, 2005

Movie and Dinner

Since everyone seems to be writing reviews on "Anniyan", I decided to weigh in too. Anybody who appreciates the movie should be given a copy of Matrix Reloaded and Sidney Sheldon's Tell me your dreams. It is quite obvious that despite having spent so lavishily on the movie, Shanker forgot to hire a story writer. The only thing that is worth watching in the movie is Vikram's acting at the very end. All in all , 10 bucks and a weekend evening wasted.

Well, the evening wasn't all that bad. We went out for dinner to IHOP and Prasad starts out this game where everyone guesses the name of a movie starting with a certain letter. You give up if can't remember a name and the game goes around the table without you. Quite a good game I should say, but it is one of the most addictive games I've ever seen. We couldn't stop thinking of movies long after the game was done and when we were driving home and I still can't stop thinking of movies starting with the letter 'M', and its about 8 hours since the game ended.

Alrighty loyal readers, I would have loved to write more, but this week is a 7 day work week for me :-(( ..gotto go now!


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Karthik said...

Remember the game we once played in route 7, we had to sing a song or find a movie name with the starting letter and if we fail we have to stand up and hit our b@lls. Remember that stupid game created by none other than sibi mathews!

At 4:18 AM, Blogger Deepak said...

amam da...I remember that, I wonder how many people's anatomy was damaged during that "wonderful" game!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Saravana said...

Did someone made me remember Route 7 .... :((


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