I'm sick and tired of hearing about the temple/mosque at Ayodhya. Just when you think everything is ok and everybody has forgotten about it, it has to pop its ugly head again. Its quite sad that a small peice of land has caused so much death
and suffering. Well atleast this time, thanks to the CRPF, only the terrorists were killed. But you really have to hand it to the terrorists, not only did they fail in their mission,but they also managed to rekindle the BJP's temple cause which seemed to be dying. Surely the dumbest bunch of terrorists I've seen.
And if the BJP is so disgusted and angered by the terrorist act, they should be protesting in POK and not in their street corners. I don't think they give a damn if the temple is built there or not as long as they can get publicity which ofcourse translates to votes.
Methinks the best way to get rid of this whole problem is to convert the site into a bombing range for the airforce, so that they can bomb the shit out of that place..or better still, just test our next nuke there, so that that no soul in his right mind would ever step on that site again. Well, thats just my opinion...also proof that I can never be trusted with any kind of power or responsiblity :p
Btw, all the opinions expressed in this post are ramblings of a tired mind. I think I need a long weekend just to get over the tiredness after a trip during the weekend. Again proof , that I'm also lazy , but who cares!